Both commands - Pipes - scheme and Ducts - scheme makes it possible to draw one or more schematic lines. The process of drawing a single line is possible after selecting in the dialog window the desired line and clicking the OK button. Doing so however does not allow to change drawing settings. These options are available only when adding line to the List of selected lines, which is also used for drawing multiple lines.
Pipes – scheme dialog window
The Pipes – scheme dialog window contains the following elements:
Lines menu – tools menu that allows user to manage lines’ kinds:
•Define new –
allows to add a new position (line) to the list as a user line. Afterwards it
opens a new edit window and allows user to edit the
line data
•Copy – copies
the selected line with all its parameters, therefore creating an element made by
user. Copied lines may be edited.
•Edit – opens
the edit properties window of user created lines. Line name can be edited
directly by pressing the F2 key.
•Delete –
deletes the selected line from the list. Only the lines created by user may be
•Add to favourites – adds the selected line to the *Favourites* list.
•Add element to a list – adds the selected line to the List of selected lines.
List of selected lines – contains lines , which will be drawn after clicking the OK button.
Menu of selected lines list – allows to manage the content of the selected lines list.
•Move selected rows down – moves the selected line one position
Move selected rows up – moves the selected line one position
•Remove selected rows – deletes the selected line from the
•Copy selected rows – copies the selected line and adds it to
the list.
•Save as set of lines – allows to save the current list of
selected lines as a new set.
Notice It's not possible to create (save) a set of lines if the list contains at least one line from the *Installations from drawing*. |
•One-line mode – this option blocks the possibility of adding more than one line to the List of selected lines. When enabled, program will convert the list of lines to a one line, chosen by user.
Type of line – it is possible to define Type for each line. |
In order to do this, user has to enter an appropriate value in the Type field that is located next to the line name on the List of selected lines.
Draw by type – enables the line type view for the newly created lines.
Lines conducting options – options that allow user to specify the way of drawing lines.
•Left – draws lines along the left edge.
•Center – draws lines symmetrically regarding the indicated points.
•Right – draws lines along the right edge.
•Spacing – the distance between the lines.
•Offset – an offset of the drawn lines from the points that are actually indicated in the drawing. This option allows to easily draw lines at a specified distance along the walls or other elements that exist in the drawing.
Hint Thanks to combining both the drawing edge and the offset user can lead the lines in accordance with any existing objects that are already inserted on the drawing e.g. walls. |
Show category *User*– enables/disables the visibility of the folder that contains all categories and lines created by user. If you turn off this feature then lines defined by user will be "mixed" with other standard CADprofi lines.
Drawing settings – line drawing options.
•Rectangle snap – 2D drawing default settings.
•Additional angles – enables the diagonal dimetric mode, through the use of polar tracking options (POLAR) according to the angle value that was defined in the CADprofi – options window.
•Isometric – allows to turn on the mode that allows to create isometric schemes (SNAPSTYLE variable). Three options are available (left, up, right) which can be easily switched during drawing isometry by pressing the F5 key.
Connection points – when drawing a single line it is possible to automatically insert connection points. There are several options available:
•Lack – no symbol on the line joint.
•Always – adding a symbol regardless of the kind of connected lines.
•On the same layer – adding a connection symbol only when both lines are on the same layer.
Hint If user uses an extended layer structure this option will add a connection symbol only on lines with the same type. |
•Connection symbol – allows to select the graphical symbol that will be inserted in the place where lines connect. User can select one of the following symbols:
•Settings –
setting up the scale (symbols’ size) and the Remove unnecessary connection points option, which
automatically searches for unnecessary connection points (e.g. remnant after
line removal) and removes them from the drawing.
•Ending of lines – allows user to select symbols that will be inserted in the beginning and ending of lines. |
•Settings –
setting up the scale (symbols’ size) and the Remove unnecessary connection points option, which
automatically searches for unnecessary symbols of line endings (e.g. remnant
after line removal) and removes them from the drawing.
Advanced Ortho – in this mode between the indicated points, two or three orthogonal segments are being drawn. This mode automates the process of connecting objects or lines while maintaining a right angle between the segments.
•2 segments – creates a line consisting of two segments.
•3 segments – creates a line consisting of three segments.
Notice Advanced ortho mode is available only in certain CAD programs. The first drawn segment can be vertical or horizontal depending on which way of the mouse movement is performed after selecting the first point (P1) of the drawn line. |
| |||
Advanced ortho 2 segments |
Advanced ortho 3 segments |
Draw with polyline – enables/disables drawing line segments as polyline.
End automatically – enables/disables automatic ending of lines when the drawn line is being connected to a different object in the drawing.
Pop-up menu – options menu for selected element/category which is available by clicking the right mouse button. Commands included in the menu are similar to the commands available on the dialog window toolbars. |
Run the Pipes - scheme or the Ducts -
2. (Optional) Select the line and click the OK button in order to allow the drawing of a single line without making changes in the settings.
3. In the newly opened dialog window pull-down the category that contains the desired line kind.
Select the desired line and click the Add element to a
list button, or double click
on it in order to put it on the List of selected
5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2 and 3 in order to add more lines to the list.
(Optional) Using the Copy selected rows , Remove selected
buttons add or remove the
selected line from the list.
(Optional) Using the Move selected rows down/Move selected rows
buttons change the order of
the lines on the list.
8. (Optional) Fill the information about type of line, enable/disable the Draw by type option.
9. (Optional) If there is more than one line on the List of selected lines specify the Offset value.
10. Specify the way how you will draw the line and specify the Spacing value if needed.
11. (Optional) If on the List of selected lines there is only one object then change the Drawing settings.
12. (Optional) If on the List of selected lines there is only one object you can set the connection and line endings options.
13. Enable/disable the End automatically option.
14. Click the OK button in order to start drawing a line (or several lines).
15. Specify the starting point and next segment points that you want to draw. In order to finish click the Enter key.
Notice Offset, additional angles, adding connection points, endings of lines, advanced ortho and end automatically options are available only when a single line is selected. |
Schematic lines are simple lines or polylines that's why it is also possible to draw lines with the CAD program standard commands such as Line or Polyline. However, it should be noted, that lines drawn in this way should be placed on appropriate layers. In order to match properties (e.g. layers), between the drawn objects, the Match properties (_Matchprop) command located in the CAD program can be used.
Hint: The Schematic lines – ed). |
Lines in isometric drawings
In the Drawing settings section user can select optimal CAD settings for easy creation of typical (2D) drawings or different types of axometrical drawings. Isometric mode is only available if only one line has been chosen.
In many CAD programs a special pitch and grid mode is available in which the graphical cursor is adapted to create isometry in which axes are positioned at a 30°, 150° and 270° angle. To enable this mode, when drawing lines select the Isometric option in the Pipes - scheme or the Ducts - scheme dialog window with activating the upper, left or right plane. In isometry lines should be drawn with an enabled ORTHO mode. In order to quickly switch to another plane just press the F5 key.
Drawing isometry
Another possibility to create an isometric drawing is to use the Additional angles option, which makes it easier to draw with specific angles. After choosing the Rectangle Snap and Additional angles options, the polar tracking mode is being activated which is used to create drawings in diagonal dimetry.
Drawing dimetry in the polar tracking mode
There is a group of programs based on the IntelliCAD technology in which polar tracking is not available, that's why during drawing there is an option Cursor obliquity available, which is used to change the angle of the graphical cursor according to the current dimetry angle. In order to choose this option in the command line, user should enter the “O” and press Enter. Cursor will change the incline angle. In order to return to the normal position user should choose the Cursor obliquity option again.
Example text in the command line:
Specify first point or [cursorObliquity]:
Specify next point or [Undo/cursorObliquity]:
Specify next point or [Close/Undo/cursorObliquity]:
Dimetrical angle is defined in the CADprofi - Options (check page 33) dialog window. When drawing lines in dimetrical mode user should use the Orto mode, which can be turned on and turned off with the F8 key.
Notice In order to select an option in the command line user should type a letter or several letters, which are written in the option name in capital letters. In the above example to choose the Undo command user should type a "U" letter and after that press the Enter key. Instead of the Enter key, user can press the right mouse button or the spacebar. |
Drawing risers (vertical lines)
In schematic lines it is possible to present vertical lines segments using special symbols, such as risers.
Despite the fact that risers are being inserted using the Symbols) command, program treats them as schematic lines.
For risers user should specify the type of line and
height (length of vertical line segment). Line type can be selected from
the list that will be available after pressing the Browse |
Data saved in the risers’ blocks is included when creating a BIM with use of Plumbing/heating - lines (check page \* MERGEFORMAT 66).
Below example shows the use of risers’ symbols in the project.
The actual installation view |
Schematic view |
Scheme with risers view
Lines BOM view
Linetype scale for lines
Each line is being drawn with different line patterns, such as a dashed line (Dashed) used for the "Return" line. The line pattern density is set using the CAD command: Ltscale (_Ltscale). By default new drawings have got a linetype scale factor set as 1.00. If this factor number is too small or too big then line pattern may not be visible and all lines will be seen as drawn with a continuous line. |
Ltscale = 200
Ltscale = 50
Defining new user lines
User can add his own type of lines to the program. In this way, program can be adapted to user's needs and can be used in a variety of projects in which it is necessary to draw schemes.
Run the Pipes - scheme or the Ducts –
Click the Define new button in order to add a new line to the
existing database. New element will be added to the *User* category. A new Edit
window will open, in which user will be able to specify all line parameters.
(Optional) Select an existing line and click the Copy button to
create a new item. Selected line will be used as a template.
4. Change the new line settings in accordance with the Edit line data procedure.
*Favourites* category
It is also possible to create a folder that contains a list
of most frequently used installations by the user. This folder is created
automatically when a first element marked as favorite has been added to the program. In the
*favorite*category user can define any branch
structure, in which the individual elements will be located.
CADprofi allows to edit parameters (drawing features) of lines created by user. To do this, use the Edit option.
In CADprofi program pipe and ventilation lines can be drawn as schematic (with use of lines or polylines) or in 2D view. Therefore, when editing properties it is possible to specify different parameters for schematic lines as well as for lines in 2D view.
The Edit line data dialog window
The Edit dialog window contains the following items:
Name – name of edited line.
Text notation – text marking for lines used as an ending of layer’s name in the extended layer structure.
It is recommended to use „unique values” of text notations in order to ensure proper recognition of lines by CADprofi.
Category – currently assigned category in CADprofi database.
Branch – currently assigned industry branch in CADprofi database.
Add to most recently used – this option adds the edited line into the default list of line types in the in the 2D Pipes – plan dialog window.
Lines or 2D lines – settings used for schematic lines or lines drawn in 2D:
•Line color – determines the line color. Color can be selected in several ways: by clicking on the button that contains the line preview, with the help of the by layer option or by entering CAD program color number.
•Line type – determines the line type (kind). Line type can be selected from the list of available line types or from the by layer option.
•Line weight – determines the line width. Line width can be chosen from the list available values in the program.
Only lines defined by user may be edited (it is not possible to change line parameters from the primary CADprofi database).
Run the Pipes - scheme or Ducts -
(Optional) If the line that you would like to edit is located on the list of
selected lines, then select it and click the Remove
selected rows button in order
to remove it from the list.
3. On the List of available lines select the line that you would like to edit.
Click the Edit .button A new dialog window will open, allowing
you to edit the line.
5. (Optional) Change the Name of edited line.
6. (Optional) Change the Text notation of edited line (not recommended if the edited line is already inserted in the drawing).
7. (Optional) Change Category of edited line.
8. (Optional) Change the Trade for selected line.
9. (Optional) Enable/disable the Add to most recently used option.
10. (Optional) Change parameters of schematical Lines.
11. (Optional) Change parameters of schematical 2D Lines.
12. Click the OK button to accept the changes.
Notice If you have changed the parameters for lines that have already been added to the drawing then in order to update their properties you will need to insert a new line (that has the new parameters) into the drawing. |
Installations from drawing
All lines and polylines that lie on appropriate layers are treated by CADprofi program as schematic lines. This includes layers with names similar to 2DX_PLS_xxx.
When several designers are working on the same project, then it is possible that one of these designers has used his own line kinds and then has forwarded the drawing to further edition. In this case, CADprofi application will automatically detect the presence of additional lines (installation kinds) and will display them in a new category called Installations from drawing. Name of the new lines that were identified from the drawing are being taken from their label (ending of the layer's name). If these lines' parameters will be edited in the dialog window, then they will be permanently saved in the program's database as user's lines.
It is possible to use Installations from drawing without the need of editing them, but in this case, on all BOMs the Installations from drawing lines will have their names listed as their layers' label. |
Lines’ layers
Each line kind is being drawn on separate layers. In order to easily manage layers in the top menu of CADprofi programs are located additional commands that allow to quickly hide or show all layers that belongs to central heating, sewage, water and other kinds of installations.
In the C:\ProgramData\Cadprofi\20XX.x\PlotStyle printing styles are located that suit the program's layers structure. Out of these files user can select monochrome printing (CADprofi Mono.ctb) and color printing (CADprofi Color.ctb).
*.ctb files should be copied to the appropriate folder of used CAD program.
For more information, please refer to the layers section (check page 35).