About the CADprofi program

CADprofi® is a comprehensive CAD application that vastly accelerates the design work in many branches. CADprofi® Suite program consists of the following modules:

    CADprofi® HVAC and Piping

    CADprofi® Electrical

    CADprofi® Architectural

    CADprofi® Mechanical

    CP–Symbols program contains a library of symbols from various branches as well as basic commands that allows editing schemes. The following libraries are available „HVAC & Piping”, „Electrical”, „Mechanical” and „Architectural”.

    CP–Manufacturers program serves as an electronic CAD catalogs that contains libraries of world known manufacturers. CP-Manufacturers program is being distributed by manufacturers.



CP-Symbols libraries and CP-Manufacturers catalogs are part of CADprofi® program.



In AutoCAD® LT, you need to install additional software, such as LTX ™

CADprofi program works as an "add-on" on various CAD programs. Therefore, in all descriptions the "CAD program" should be understood as the AutoCAD®, BricsCAD®, GstarCAD, IntelliCAD®, progeCAD®, ZWCAD etc. Most commands in these programs work identical.