In CADprofi program schematic lines are drawn with lines or polylines. For lines it is possible to specify their kind and type:
Kind – means the intended use of the selected line or a specific system, such as the supply line in the heating installation or the alarm line in the monitoring installations. Schematic lines are located on layers whose names are dependent on the kind of installation.
Type – determines the line size or its physical properties, for example for the DN15 steel pipes or for YDY 3x2,5 installation lines. Type is being stored in internal data of each line sections. Type can be edited with the Schematic lines - edit command.
Lines can be shown in two view types:
Type of installation view – shows lines in accordance with the standards or settings (in which the line kind - model was specified) that were set by the designer. This view should be used when printing projects.
Type of line view – show lines in such a way that in the lines there is a visible text that indicate the line type. CADprofi program allows to create complete specification of lines that were used in the project. The Type of line view allows to make better control when specifying line types, therefore it should be used when user adds certain types to the lines.
The Schematic lines – edit command allows to specify types and to change the lines view.
New type of line dialog window
The dialog window contains the following items:
Edit mode – allows to select one of available editing functions:
•Edit type of line – allows to specify the type, which
will be added to the selected lines. This option also changes the line view into
the „Type of line” view.
It is possible to take
the information about the line type from indicating a line that is located in
the drawing with the button.
•Change to a „Type of line” view – changes the view in such a way that the line type is visible for each line.
•Change to a „Type of installation” view – changes the view in such a way that the line type is in accordance with its definition in the database.
•Delete „Type of line” – deletes information about the line type and restores the Type of installation view.
Apply to selected objects – changes the view only for indicated objects on the drawing.
Apply to all objects – changes the view only for all objects on the drawing.
Hint Using the "Apply to selected objects" function gives the possibility to choose the lines through a selection window. If in the selection window user indicated a line that belongs to an installation that wasn’t included in the dialog window then this element will be skipped. In the "Type of line" view it is possible to quickly copy types between lines with using the CAD program command "Match properties". |
Run the Schematic lines – edit command.
2. In the dialog window select one of available edition modes: Edit type of line, Change to a „Type of line” view, Change to a „Type of installation” view or Delete „Type of line”.
(Optional) If the Edit type of line have been
selected, then specify the type or
click the Copy from
line button, to indicate a
line in the drawing from which the information about line type will be
4. Select the Apply to selected objects or Apply to all objects option.
5. (Optional) Select installation types, which will be included during object selection.
6. Click the OK button to close the window.
7. (Optional) If the Apply to selected objects has been selected then indicate elements that you would like to edit and press the Enter key.
8. Selected lines will be changed accordingly to the selected setting in the dialog window.