Network license

Network license allows user to use the CADprofi software in a specific LAN network (Local Area Network). With this license CADprofi can be installed on any number of computers that are used in a specified network, while the number of ordered licenses defines the number of users that can use the program simultaneously.


Information and technical conditions

After installing the program on one of the workstations, user has to activate the network license. As an outcome in a specified by the registering user folder a file with the network license will be created. This file divides permissions between users, according on the program startup order.


* Workstations, that use the license must have rights to save
            in the selected folder.
* On each workstation, the license path must be defined in
           an identical way. It is not possible to use letters of
           mapped drives.
* Examples of correct network pathes:
           - with server name: \\ServerName\Share\Folder
           - with server IP address: \\\Share\Folder
* Network folder, that was specified during activation, can be
           later changed only in a request sent to the producer o
           the program (the licensor).
* At least one of the workstations must be connected with the
           internet in order to periodically, automatically refresh
           the data in the license file.


Using the network licenses

Each workstation gets whole seat from the given network license. If a network license is for example for 5 seats and contains both HVAC & Piping and Electrical modules, then each workstation will get both modules, allowing to work 5 users simultaneously. In order to manage separately with each of the modules, user should order separate network licenses for each branch.

Closing the CADprofi program will automatically return the license, allowing another user to use the application.


Activating the network license

1.    Run the CAD program, which was configured with CADprofi application and wait until the Program Registration window will be displayed. Registration window can also be displayed by clicking the CADprofi - About command.

2.    Fill out user data in order to register the program.

3.    Enter the network license Serial Number and click Add.

4.    In the Path to a valid network license, specify the location, where the network license file will be created for the specified serial number.

5.    Click the Activate > button in order to automatically obtain the Activation code and register the user. This activation is a once a time process and can be done on any computer that is in the network.

6.    Enter the same CADprofi network license Serial Number on all work stations and provide the same Path to a valid network license. Wait till the application will download all the necessary permissions.


The network license path just as the computer number is involved in activating the license, therefore it must be the same on all work stations that use the same license file. It is recommended to use the IP address in the path, instead than for example a mapped network drive.


Temporary return of the network license

1.    Returning the CADprofi license is done automatically when user closes the base CAD program to which CADprofi add-on is configured. In order to return the license and continue work without CADprofi add-on user should:

a.    In the program from the menu or the CADprofi toolbar select the CADprofi - About command and then open the Program registration window.

b.    Click the right mouse button on the CADprofi network license Serial Number that is visible in Your licenses section.

c.     In the opened menu select the Return license option in order to temporarily disable CADprofi license on a given work station. Returning the license will allow other users to use the application.


In order to disable the CADprofi program with the network license for a longer period of time, it is recommended to delete the serial number or to separate CADprofi from the CAD program by clicking the Restore CAD program, which is available in the CADprofi configuration window. Configuring the CADprofi application to the CAD program will not require from user to repeat the activation or add the serial number again.