Special characters

CADprofi program can be translated by editing PO files or by using the CADprofi Context translation method. In both cases, you should pay attention to special characters. Their presence is very important, and sometimes even critical User has to keep all special characters in his translation in the right order and position just like in the source text. User can only change the position of the percent ‘%’ character (e.g. %s, %d, %.10lf, %.12lg etc.).


Special characters must appear in the same form in both translations and the source language.
User can only change the position of the “%s” and “%d” characters to keep the logical meaning of the sentence.


Translation example:



%s objects not found

Keine %s Objekte gefunden


Meanings of special characters that can be found in CADprofi:

\n – the end of line

\\ – backslash

"" – means the ' "'

\[ – means the '<'

\] – means the '>'

\_ – means the space (for example at the end of the string)

%s, %d, %10lf, %12ls, %10lg, etc., – means the formatting string (%s = string, %d = value)



Both POEDIT and CADprofi Context translation tool have internal procedures to keep special characters correctness, so pay attention for all messages displayed during the localization process.




CADprofi® Architectural