
Софтуерът CADprofi Mechanical помага при проектиране на машинни и строителни проекти в 2D. Програмата съдържа широк набор от стандартни елементи, които са съставени на базата на национални и международни стандарти. Също така, е възможно да се изчертават и редактират технологични схеми, както и хидравлични и пневматични системи.

CADprofi Mechanical module can be bought separately or in full CADprofi Suite package, which contains all 4 CADprofi modules for 50% of the price. 

Основни функции:

Кликнете върху функция, за да прочетете повече

Standardized parts

Standardized parts

A rich set of parametric standardized parts and fasteners prepared on the basis of national and international standards (e.g. ISO, ANSI, ASME, EN, DIN, PN, IS, JIS, GOST), including bolts, screws, washers, nuts, joints, rivets, studs, openings, rebates, wedges, pivots, pins, bearings, grease nipples, rings and many more.

Shapes and profiles

Shapes and profiles

Steel and aluminium shapes and profiles: L-shapes, C-shapes, T-shapes, flat bars, hollow profiles, rods, pipes and others. In profiles, it is possible to specify the material type (type of steel).

Designing apparatus

Designing apparatus

Elements used for designing apparatus, including flanges and dished ends, steel pipes and fittings (elbows, tees, reducers). It is possible to draw pipelines with automatic insertion of bends and automatic connection of pipes by using a variety of fittings.

Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers

Procedures used for calculating the heat exchangers and different types of tube bundles in heat exchangers.

Dynamic scaling

Dynamic scaling

Dynamic scaling of parts when inserting them into drawing or when editing projects. This allows for automatic selection of the size of the element directly in the drawing (e.g. selecting screws with a length matched to the thickness of connected elements).

Different views

Different views

All parts have different views adapted for creating different designs (e.g. front views, side, cross-section etc.). It is also possible to define the style and detail level that allows for insertion of parts with details, axes, hatch etc.



System of freely configurable marking welds, tolerance signs, edge, roughness and others. Inserting weld views (V welds, fillet welds) with the possibility of defining user own dimensions.

Pneumatic systems

Pneumatic systems

Convenient design of diagrams and pneumatic systems using smart symbols, lines and editing functions.

Drawing tools

Drawing tools

Additional drawing tools that greatly facilitate the creation of technical drawings (axis, circle axes, center marks, bisectors and others). Function of detecting all circles in the selected block and automatic insertion of circle axes or center marks in them.

Read more about other CADprofi Mechanical key features
  • Versatile editing commands that allow for elements mirroring, extending steel profiles etc.
  • Designing is done in accordance with designers habits and requirements.
  • Metric or imperial units available.
  • Tools for full description and projects detailing.
  • Automatic numbering of objects.
  • A system of quick search of products in the database.
  • Possibility to filter objects, e.g. by dimensions or names. Filter can be applied to the entire library, making it much easier to select various elements needed to design a given component - for example, the selection of bolts, washers and nuts with a specific diameter.
  • Access to CAD libraries of many world known manufacturers.
  • Possibility to import and add to the program user's own symbols or objects.
  • Automatic layer management and printing styles allows user to achieve prints with predefined line thickness, colours, etc.
  • Possibility to define the list of "favourites" that allows to work in accordance with user habits and preferences.
  • Compression and disc springs.
  • Possibility of adding your own translations or changing the terminology that is used in the program.
  • Smart insertion of objects with the possibility of attaching them to other objects by using the "one-click" technology.
  • Intelligent commands that allow for performing quick editing operations on symbols and objects directly in the drawing.
  • The Quick edit (QED) command that allows user to perform basic editing operations on symbols and objects, including edit, attributes and descriptions, mirror, scale, copy, rotate, delete, move, insert alternative view.
  • Possibility to create any diagrams, flowcharts, technological and functional schemes, algorithms.
  • Possibility to create bill of materials and specifications that can be either printed or exported to multiple formats including pdf, rtf (doc), xls, xml, csv, html and more.
  • Automatic creation of graphical legends.
  • On-line help with many illustrations and exemplary videos that explain in details how to use the program.
  • On-line update system.
  • Versatile editing commands that allow for elements mirroring, extending steel profiles etc.
  • Designing is done in accordance with designers habits and requirements.
  • Metric or imperial units available.
  • Tools for full description and projects detailing.
  • Automatic numbering of objects.
  • A system of quick search of products in the database.
  • Possibility to filter objects, e.g. by dimensions or names. Filter can be applied to the entire library, making it much easier to select various elements needed to design a given component - for example, the selection of bolts, washers and nuts with a specific diameter.
  • Access to CAD libraries of many world known manufacturers.
  • Possibility to import and add to the program user's own symbols or objects.
  • Automatic layer management and printing styles allows user to achieve prints with predefined line thickness, colours, etc.
  • Possibility to define the list of "favourites" that allows to work in accordance with user habits and preferences.
  • Compression and disc springs.
  • Possibility of adding your own translations or changing the terminology that is used in the program.
  • Smart insertion of objects with the possibility of attaching them to other objects by using the "one-click" technology.
  • Intelligent commands that allow for performing quick editing operations on symbols and objects directly in the drawing.
  • The Quick edit (QED) command that allows user to perform basic editing operations on symbols and objects, including edit, attributes and descriptions, mirror, scale, copy, rotate, delete, move, insert alternative view.
  • Possibility to create any diagrams, flowcharts, technological and functional schemes, algorithms.
  • Possibility to create bill of materials and specifications that can be either printed or exported to multiple formats including pdf, rtf (doc), xls, xml, csv, html and more.
  • Automatic creation of graphical legends.
  • On-line help with many illustrations and exemplary videos that explain in details how to use the program.
  • On-line update system.

Приложението е достъпно
на 25 езика.

Прочетете още
Потребителският интерфейс, базиран на Unicode, поддържа 25 езика, сред които английски, български, китайски, хърватски, чешки, датски, холандски, финландски, френски, японски, немски, гръцки, унгарски, италиански, корейски, полски, португалски, румънски, руски, сръбски, словенски, испански, шведски, украински и турски.

Можете лесно да промените езика в настройките на програмата.

Нашият софтуер е достъпен чрез добре разработена дистрибуторска мрежа в различни държави, благодарение на което може да получите директна поддръжка на родния си език.

Възможност за създаване
на данни в BIM технология.

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BIM (Строително информационно моделиране) технологията се използва все повече при проектирането на сгради. Класифицирането и управлението на слоеве, базирано на Open BIM (IFC класифициране) е достъпно в софтуера CADprofi. BIM данните са включени в спецификациите и могат да бъдат прехвърлени към друг софтуер, който е използван по време на инвестиционната фаза. Освен това, нашата компания създава данни в BIM (включително във формат rfa за Revit) за много производители. 3D моделите включени в нашият софтуер също могат да бъдат използвани в множество CAD програми, които дават възможност за импортиране и експортиране на файлове в IFC стандарта.

Приложение, съвместимо с
повечето базови CAD програми.

Прочетете още
Десетки хиляди потребители от целия свят вече са избрали пакета CADprofi. Ето защо ние винаги се стремим да запазим пълна съвместимост с други CAD приложения във всяка нова версия на нашият софтуер. Нашите приложения ще се конфигурират сами автоматично, за да са оптимално съвместими с всяка избрана софтуерна среда (AutoCAD, ARES Commander, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD, IntelliCAD и много други).
Чертежите, които са създадени в CADprofi са напълно съвместими с форматите DWG и DXF и могат да бъдат редактирани във всяко CAD приложение, без да е необходимо да стартирате и използвате нашият софтуер.

Hundreds of standards

CADprofi Mechanical program is equipped with an extensive set of standardized parts, apparatus construction, steel fittings and other steel products, hydraulic and pneumatic objects, marks, as well as, other elements based on both local and international standards.


CADprofi with Premium Package!

Each newly purchased CADprofi license is covered with a free, annual Premium Package (maintenance), which gives you many additional benefits. Before the expiry date of the package, it can be extended for a fee at a regular price. You can renew the Premium Package at any time during its duration, as the extension is valid for another 12 months, always counting from the end date, not the date of purchase. Choose one of the available extension options covering a period of up to 2 or 3 years at a promotional price. The Premium Package, which is extended regularly, opens up a full range of possibilities!

Thanks to Premium Package (maintenance) you will gain:


Greater mobility

Ability to install the program on an additional computer.

Maximum compatibility

Compatibility with the latest CAD programs and Windows systems.

New functionality

Ability to download improved versions of the program for free.

More content

Access to many libraries from leading manufacturers.


Сегашна версия
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