Sewage installations can be drawn with the commands used to draw pipe lines. In this command it is necessary to "manualy" specify all dimensions for individual pipes and fittings.
It is also possible to use manufacturers' libraries (e.g. Wavin) that are available in the Products library command.
„Wavin” library dialog window
In the Wavin library PVC, AS and welded HD-PE elements are available.
All elements have got properties that allow to automatically attach inserted elements to other elements (check page 191). At the same time program checks if the connection is appropriate and optionally reports problems or mismatched parts.
After selecting the Sequence of pipes it is possible to draw installation along the indicated consecutive points with automatic insertion of elbows.
The selection of elbows is done automatically in such a way to best match the shape of the designed installation to the intention of the user. After indicating by the user the consecutive points, the application chooses from the database an elbow with the closest possible angle. If necessary, the lengths of drawn pipes sections are corrected. |
6 Procedures
1. Run the Sewage piping system command or Products
library and afterwards open the Wavin
2. In the dialog window select the appropriate category and fitting size (diameter).
3. (Optional) If a list has got subcategories, double click on a particular subcategory in order to expand it and view its contents.
4. (Optional) Change the View for the selected fitting.
5. (Optional) Change the settings for the Object style.
6. (Optional) Enable the System option and select the installation type.
7. Click the OK button in order to insert the selected fitting in the drawing.
8. (Optional)
Click the button and select Insert (specify all dimensions), in order to specify the
dimensions of inserted object.
9. (Optional)
Click the button and select Insert (specify style for object), in order to make
changes in the Object style before inserting an
10. Click on the edge of the line or fitting in order to attach the selected fitting.
11. (Optional) Click at any point in the drawing in order to insert an element.
12. Specify the rotation angle and the insertion direction.
1. Run the Sewage piping system command or Products
library and afterwards open the Wavin
2. In the dialog window select the Sequence of pipes position.
3. (Optional) Indicate the appropriate base point.
4. Click the OK button in order to start drawing by indicating the consecutive points.